FORQLAB Food Losses Kenya

Food waste reduction and food quality living lab (FORQLAB) is a consortium led by four Dutch universities Van Hall Larenstein, HAS Green Academy, Inholland and Aeres, together with two Kenyan universities, Egerton University and Meru University. Also involved are a range of cooperatives, companies, business support organisations, knowledge partners in the dairy and avocado sectors. FORQLAB follows a living lab approach: master students and teachers do applied research with the business partners in order to find and test solutions for technical issues and better coordination in the avocado and dairy value chains.
The FORQLAB living lab will focus on practice-oriented research to provide additional insights and action perspectives with regard to these focus areas:
- market development and potential for mid-tech post-harvest management options at various levels, including revenue model and business operations, with a focus on local implementation;
- applicability and feasibility of small-scale context-specific mid-tech post-harvest management and food processing technologies for local markets using local experience in commercial markets;
- the revenue model and cost efficiency of post-harvest management technology and its potential local impact on issues such as food waste, food availability, food security and food prices.
Community leads

Esther Kapsoot
communication lead FORQLAB

Wim Goris
coalition builder

Ken Owino
NFP Communications