Community Guidelines

Dear community member,
Welcome! NFP Connects is an online community platform specially designed for the global Food Systems Community. It’s a space to come together, exchange and share experiences, information and insights, as well as find common ground and energy for action. When you engage at NFP Connects, you participate in a community of people from all over the world. The guidelines below help to keep this space worthwhile and enjoyable for everyone.
Our collective community values
We come here with a constructive mindset
We cultivate positivity in our interactions with each other, creating a space where people can come to feel inspired. When we provide feedback, we do so constructively.
We show courtesy and respect
We are kind and polite to one another. We respect differing opinions, views and experiences. Everyone deserves to share their thoughts and ideas in our community.
We use language thoughtfully
As we all come from different parts of the world, we are mindful about the words we use. We accept that not everyone is a native English speaker. Though we do not intend to offend others, written communication can be misinterpreted.
When you feel hurt or offended by anything being said by a community member, you can get in touch with the community steward. See contact details at the end of this page.

We encourage participants of NFP Connects to:
Be actively involved in ongoing conversations
Share your experience in the comments
Use your real name, so community members can address you properly
State your role, so others can get an idea of what your professional context is
Stay on topic when engaging in a conversation.
Contributions we hope you will share with the community:
Examples from your own practice
Evidence to support discussions and points of view, yours or someone else’s
Current urgent developments and calls for action
Links to must-reads

Inappropriate behaviour on this platform
Post advertisements of your own business or product.
Posting comments that are hateful, discriminatory, or invalidates experiences
Trolling and personal or political attacks
Promoting non-professional beliefs, e.g. religious beliefs.
Public or private harassment
Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
Applying these guidelines
Our conversation leaders are responsible for clarifying and applying our standards of appropriate behaviour and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behaviour that they deem inappropriate.
Conversation leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments and other contributions that are not aligned with these guidelines, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when deemed appropriate.
You can report inappropriate behaviour by contacting our community steward. All complaints will be reviewed and handled promptly and fairly.
All conversation leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
Do you see any inappropriate behaviour?
Contact our community steward. See contact details below.
Get in touch

Elmine Wijnia
community steward