
Forage Finder: a list of recommended forage varieties for Kenya

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Damaris Kikwai and Jos Creemers are working on a list of recommend forage varieties for farmers and dairy professionals in the NEADAP community. Forages such as grasses, cereals and legumes as well as crop residues play a key role in milk production. But how can farmers choose the forage that best fits in the situation and ambitions of their farms? In this article, Damaris explains why forages are important and how the NEADAP Forage Finder is being developed. NEADAP will launch the Forage Finder in the next quarter.


The dairy sector in Kenya makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy, contributing 44% to livestock GDP, 12% to agricultural GDP and 4% to national GDP (KDB, 2023). In Kenya, dairy cows produce approximately 3.9 billion litres of milk per year, primarily sourced from smallholder farmers, who own land averaging between 0.2 ha and 3.0 ha. The National Dairy Masterplan 2010–2030 highlighted an increase in milk prices, indicating a rise in milk demand. However, production has not been able to meet demand, leading to the country importing significant quantities of milk and milk products (Rademaker et al., 2016).

The dairy sector in Kenya is marked by underperformance, partly due to the choice of breed and lack of skill in farm management, but primarily caused by issues related to feeding of dairy cattle. These issues include poor quality feeds, lack of technical expertise, limited access to credit and poor infrastructure. One aspect of solving these issues is through improving forage production.

Forages such as grasses and legumes, as well as crop residues, play an important role in milk production because they provide the dairy cow with the necessary nutrients to maintain body condition and produce milk. Dairy cows need a substantial portion of their diet in the form of fibre-rich feeds, and they are able to utilize grasses and other herbaceous feeds. In addition, forages are a relatively cheap source of nutrients for the dairy cow.

In recent years, due to adverse weather conditions, farmers in Kenya have been faced with acute shortages of cultivated forages as well as grass in the natural grasslands. Improved forages that are more productive per unit of land and yield more biomass of better quality (higher protein and/or lower fibre content) can play an important role in reducing the shortage and consequently high prices of (low quality) forage in the market.

With increasing land pressure (less land per farmer and different land use options), successful and reliable forage production on the remaining land is increasingly important for a competitive dairy sector. The Kenya National Dairy Masterplan 2010–2030 has proposed an increase in acreage under pasture and fodder to enhance better feeding for increased animal productivity.

Higher quality forages can meet a substantial part of the nutritional demands of the continuously increasing genetic potential of dairy cows in Kenya. Farmers can benefit from better forage production, reducing feed cost and giving cows the opportunity to express their dairy potential.

NEADAP Forage Finder

The NEADAP Forage Finder is a list of recommended, improved forage varieties. It is a new guide to help farmers and stakeholders select suitable forage varieties and meet the increased demand for quality forages in Kenya, in turn supporting the sustainability of milk production and supply in the country.

It can help farmers make informed decisions about which forage seeds are available and which forage crops to plant, considering soil characteristics, location and farming system (grassing, cut and carry, combined) and need to spread risk across a number of forage varieties. This will increase the chances of a successful harvest and ensure that farmers are able to achieve the best possible yield from their land.

While the NEADAP Forage Finder can guide dairy advisors and farmers during decision-making what forage to plant, it is also important that attention is paid to information and technical expertise on how to plant, maintain, harvest, preserve and feed forages, as well as organize access to training to reap the full benefits of improved forages.

Parameters included in the NEADAP Forage Finder

Some of the parameters of forages that NEADAP’s Forage Finder has considered include:

  • Yield: This is a measure of how much biomass a forage variety produces per unit area. High-yield varieties can help farmers maximize their land use and achieve higher overall forage production.

  • Nutritional quality: This affects animal productivity. Some of the nutritional components of interest in forage varieties are metabolizable energy (ME), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF; a parameter related to the amount of fibre in the feed). Fibre content negatively affects feed intake and rate of digestion of a forage.

  • Adaptability: It is important to know how well adapted the variety is to the local climate and soil conditions (rain fall, altitude) to ensure optimal growth and survival.

  • Establishment: This parameter describes the cost and time required to establish a forage stand. For some species, this depends on whether splits or seeds are used.

  • Tolerance for drought, pest and diseases: Drought tolerance is a key factor for forages in Kenya; drought-tolerant varieties can help farmers maintain forage production during dry periods. Varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases can help minimize the need for chemical treatments and reduce the risk of crop failure.

  • Maturity: This refers to the time from planting to harvest. Early-maturing varieties may be preferred as they allow farmers to take advantage of the rainy season. As a forage matures, maturation is associated with a decrease in the nutrient content, digestibility and subsequent nutritional value of the forage. Maturity differs between grasses, legumes and annuals. Grasses are best harvested at the vegetative stage if fed fresh; hay should be harvested after the grass becomes fully headed. It is recommended that legumes be harvested at the bud stage and annuals at the dough stage.

  • Palatability: This affects the intake quantity and rate of a forage variety by ruminants.

  • Farming system: Forages have been categorized into different farming systems, such as cut and carry, grazing, hay-making and silage-making. A forage can be used in different systems.

Although these parameters are important, some information is still not available; more research and testing on forage varieties will be done. The NEADAP Forage Finder can be easily updated annually with new information.

Forage categories in the NEADAP Forage Finder

In the NEADAP Forage Finder, the categories of forages include:

  • Cereal / grain crops: this category includes maize, forage sorghum, oats, triticale and wheat. In general, this category is a good source of digestible energy with a high starch content, although there is some difference between different crops. For example, when the whole maize is used for silage, the nutritional quality can vary depending on factors such as the growing conditions, stage of maturity at harvest and the fermentation process.

  • Tropical grasses: These are high in fibre content, which can provide a good source of roughage for ruminants. Tropical grasses are generally characterized by low protein content, high fibre content and low digestibility. The fibre content of grasses and the protein content tend to have an inverse relationship. As grasses mature, a notable portion of the protein present may become indigestible as it becomes bound to the fibre.

  • Forage legumes: These are generally higher in protein and are less fibrous than tropical grasses. They are digested more rapidly and allow a higher feed intake. It is important to note that biomass production of legumes is less than that of grasses.

  • Root crops: These can be a valuable source of forage for livestock. They are used as a source of energy and are especially useful during drought periods when other feed sources may be scarce. They are able to tolerate different soil types and climatic conditions. However, it is important to ensure that they are properly processed before feeding and to monitor dairy cattle intake of them to avoid any potential health issues from the anti-nutritive factors they contain. Sweet potato vine is the most popular root crop used as forage in Kenya. Others include cassava and yam.

Find out more

Are you interested in learning more about the NEADAP Forage Finder?

Please contact Wim Goris at NFP



Damaris Kikwai

Junior consultant NEADAP

Afbeelding1 wim rond

Wim Goris

coalition builder

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