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The 16th Conference of Parties on Biological Diversity will take place in Cali, Colombia is starting 21st of October. A range of actors from the Netherlands will attend COP16 to support this agenda and co-host discussion events bridging food systems and biodiversity. Please refer to the list below for details, including a selection of side-events where NFP will have an active role.

  • Bridging Biodiversity & Food Systems - Monday 28 October 2024 - Netherlands Pavilion

    • This dialogue session brings together policymakers, scientists and practitioners to bridge the gap between biodiversity and food systems, by connecting knowledge domains and addressing knowledge gaps. We draw attention to the unmet potential for integrating biodiversity in food system transformation and seek to shine light on what more is required from science, policy and society to drive this change, with the aim to identify concrete steps towards mainstreaming biodiversity in policy and practice.

    • Speakers: Marcel Beukeboom - PV NL FAO, Stef de Haan - CIP CGIAR, Victoria Guttierez - Commonland, Maria Clara van der Hammen - Tropenbos Colombia, Ivo Walsmit - IGG-DGIS. Additional speakers will be announced. Facilitation by Amanda Harding - Convene

    • This session is organized by The Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)

  • Nature Based Solutions to Enhance Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration in Salt-affected areas: Nexus Approach - Tuesday October 29 - Netherlands Pavilion
    • Our event features Nature based Solutions using a water-soilbiodiversity nexus. Focusing on salt-affected areas, experts explore case studies emphasising biodiversity and water management in resilient ecosystems. 
    • For more details see:
    • Speakers: Willem Schoustra (NFP/NWP/ - Marcel Beukeboom (LVVN) - FAO WASAG & FAO INSAS (tbc) - Dionysia Lyra (ICBA), Katarzyna Negacz (VU) - Judit Snethlage (WUR) - Yanik Nyberg (SeaWater Solutions) - Karma Yangzom (ADB) - Monica Kobayashi (CBD)
  • Contributing to Nature Positive as a Business - Ensuring Validated Action - Monday 28 October - Netherlands Pavilion
    • In our 60 minute session we will, after a general introduction stressing the importance to act, present the True Price of Food and BPI (Biodiversity Progress Index) tools and present case studies. We will share lessons learned while encouraging businesses to start now and not wait for a Definitive Answer, then host a Q&A with the audience to surface additional insights about getting past the first step of effective measurement to more quickly start working on transformative or strategic action. 
    • Speakers: Andrew McCue, Metabolic - Bianca Nijhof, Anthesis Group - Viviana Ruiz Gutierrez, Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Owen Bethell, Nestle - Estefania Marti Malvido, TruePrice Foundation
  • How public-private collaboration can support plant genetic resources - Monday 28 October - Netherlands Pavilion
    • In an interactive setting some inspiring examples of public private partnerships will be shared by amongst others, SeedNL, Plantum, World Vegetable Center and CIP. The examples show that public private collaboration can be an effective way to create impact for farmers, food production and biodiversity. Based on the examples shared, new and innovative ways will be explored to improve conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources based on public-private collaboration. 
    • Speakers: Donné Slange - Delegation leader of The Netherland (Ministry of LVVN) Willem Schoustra - director SeedNL Ivo Gariboldi - biodiversity specialist Plantum Stef de Haan - senior scientist - CIP Roland Schafleitner - Flagship program leader World Vegetable Center Moderated by Marcel Beukeboom - Netherlands ambassador and permanent representative to the FAO
  • Deepdive Living Planet Report for Food & Finance - Thursday 24 October - CGIAR Food & Agriculture Pavilion / Friday 25 October - Netherlands Pavilion
    • An exclusive overview of the new WWF Living Planet Report and trends in global biodiversity, with an interactive discussion on how transformation of food and finance systems is key to restore nature. 
    • Speakers: Keynote: Rebecca Shaw, Chief Scientist and Editor-in-Chief of the LPR, WWF - Mariëlle Karssenberg, Knowledge Broker, Netherlands Food Partnership - Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate & Biodiversity Strategist, Robeco - Natasja Oerlemans, Head of Food, WWF-NL - Christine Wortmann, Nature & Finance lead, WWF-NL - Rabobank - FAIRR
  • Food Systems for People and Planet: How True Cost Accounting can offer a Roadmap toward Solutions - Monday 28 October - CGIAR Pavilion
    • Many countries aim for sustainable food systems, which provide nutritious food equitably while advancing economic, social, and environmental objectives. However, most food systems generate substantial damaging environmental, social, and health impacts that are not reflected in the market prices of goods or services, including threats to biodiversity. At the same time, approaches that generate value for people and nature are largely unrecognized and unrewarded. True cost accounting (TCA) is a method that systematically measures and values positive and negative impacts to reveal the “true cost” of food production. As a result, TCA can provide decision makers with a roadmap to create healthy, sustainable food systems that help solve global challenges. During this session, researchers will present the findings of their TCA analyses and share their experience communicating/socializing the findings with local policymakers.
    • Speakers: Mr. Marcel Beukeboom,
      Permanent representative of the Netherlands to the United Nation in Rome and True Value of Food Initiative - Dr. Juan Lucas Restrepo, CGIAR, and  Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) - Sara Farley, Rockefeller Foundation - Dr. Rui Benfica, IFPRI - Dr. Carlo Fadda, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT - Peter Goodman, World Bank - Anna Lappé, Global Alliance for the Future of Food - Estefania Marti Malvido
      Estefania, True Price



Ruth van de Velde

Knowledge Broker

IMG 20220523 161637 1 1

Mariëlle Karssenberg

Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership

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