
NFP True Pricing Seed Fund 2025

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NFP will soon be launching the 2025 Seed Fund for the True Pricing of Food! The fund aims to stimulate transparency around the true price of food and to enable action to lower social and environmental costs within food value chains. The application form will be made available on this page upon the fund's launch on 14 April.

Aim of the fund

The fund aims to kick-start new initiatives or boost (components of) existing initiatives that focus on the application of true pricing within food value chains that have significant impact on social and/or environmental costs in LMICs.

Type of projects funded should contribute to one or more of the below focus themes.

Priority themes include:

  • Private sector application of true price calculations and/or true cost accounting leading to insight in social & environmental costs of one or more food products and their value chains. This should be accompanied by the formulation of an action plan to structurally decrease the identified social & environmental costs in the value chain;
  • Dialogue with food value chain actors creating awareness about the social and environmental externalities in their value chain and stimulating innovation to decrease these externalities;
  • Awareness & understanding of true pricing, the concept, among private sector actors.

Other eligible themes include:

  • The development of practical tools to facilitate true price calculation and/or communication;

  • Informing policy makers on how governments, based on insights from true price calculations, can develop and formulate policy to stimulate the private sector and civil society to decrease social and/or environmental externalities in food value chains;

  • Consumer awareness based on true price calculations and insights;

  • Integration of true pricing into private or public procurement, for example within school feeding programmes;

  • Integration of the concept of true pricing into educational curricula.

Activities under these themes can include such things as true pricing assessments, studies and providing advice on specific food value chains, their externalities, and efforts to lower or remediate such externalities; workshops, training and coaching; or policy influencing and consumer awareness campaigns.


The fund can provide financial support between €10.000 and €50.000 (including all relevant taxes) per eligible project. Project costs covered can include: staff costs, travel costs, training/workshop and other material costs. Overhead costs cannot be covered.

The seed fund is managed by Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP). The funds are made available by NFP which in turn is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Who can apply

All types of companies, organisations and consortia are welcome to apply for the fund, through preference is given to:

  • private sector actors, or consortia that include at least one private sector actor, who are active in food value chains which produce in or source from LMICs

  • consortia that include at least one LMIC key partner in the LMIC where impact is focused.


Before applying, please read the information provided on true pricing below. The proposal should focus on the ‘hidden costs’ of food and not on the conventional cost price of food. In your application, please motivate your choice of food value chain and the social or environmental externalities you will focus on.


The call will be open from 14 April 2025 - 12 May 2025. The activities carried out under the seed fund are to be finalised within 12 months after approval.

More information on application criteria and the assessment and selection procedure can be found in this concept note.

If you are looking for organisations with experience in conducting true price or true cost accounting (related) calculations, please find this (non-exhaustive) list with links to their methodologies:


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Ninja Lacey

Coalition Builder

20180927 0476

Lisette van Benthum

NFP Coalition Builder

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