Entry points for true cost accounting and true pricing in UNFSS National Pathways of Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda

Photo by Ali Mkumbwa on Unsplash
Through a quick-scan commissioned by NFP, Wageningen University & Research - Center for Development and Innovation, provides an overview of entry points for true cost and true price in the UNFSS National Pathways of Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. Below we share with you some highlights of this quick scan.
True cost accounting and true pricing are buzzing in the Netherlands and in ‘other western countries. The concept of true pricing is emerging in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The Global Partnership for the True Price of Food (GPTPF) aims to raise awareness in LMICs regarding the benefits of true cost and true price transparency.
True cost and true price transparency delivers vital information about the hidden environmental, social and health cost of food production and consumption. This transparency can help governments to adapt their policies to stimulate more sustainable food production and consumption, this while the same transparency can help value chain actors to pinpoint improvements in their value chain to transform to more sustainable production. And last but not least true price transparency can guide consumer choice for more sustainable foods. It is not about raising prices, but about lasting adaptations in the value chains, policies and consumer behavior resulting in more sustainable production and consumption.
The GPTPF in 2025 would like to particularly promote true price awareness in those countries where true pricing fits the current national strategy and food system transformation processes. To this end NFP commissioned a quick scan by Wageningen University & Research - Center for Development and Innovation - of the UNFSS National Pathways of Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. Below we share with you some highlights of this quick scan.
Results of the quick-scan
None of the four countries under revision, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda, explicitly addresses or incorporate true pricing or true cost accounting in their UNFSS National Food System Pathways. Nonetheless, several opportunities for the incorporation of such initiatives was found in their pathways.
We can distinguish 2 countries with a high potential for true pricing and true cost engagement:
Ethiopia: There is an explicit reference to fair prices and markets to ensure cost-recovery prices at every stage of the food production value chain. This creates a supportive environment aligned with the principles of TPI, despite only half of the identified entry points being addressed.
Rwanda: The country shows a strong commitment to international sustainability
Two countries showed moderate potential for true price and true cost engagement due to the presence of several entry points in their Pathways:
Egypt emphasized the need for fair treatment of all stakeholders across the value chain, aligning with true pricing and true cost principles. The country also demonstrated a commitment to nature-positive production, stressing the importance of calculating the carbon footprint of production, a necessary step toward internalizing environmental costs. Additionally, Egypt underscored the significance of developing local procurement strategies to create more efficient and transparent value chains, as well as the need for a "Codex Planetarius," where countries would commit to minimum environmental standards.
Kenya's Pathway highlighted the importance to incorporate climate-smart agriculture strategies focused on nature-positive production. The Pathway also emphasized the need for increased carbon capture in the food systems' value chains and the development of shorter supply chains.
Keep tuned to the GPTPF for our 2025 outreach activities in LMIC's. Interested to closely follow the latest developments? Become a member of the Global partnership for the True Price of Food (GPTPF) and receive our newsletters and participate in our on-line member meetings. Interested to partner with us? Please reach out to Lisette or Ninja, authors of this article and NFP coalition builders.

Lisette van Benthum
NFP Coalition Builder

Ninja Lacey
Coalition Builder
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