
2024 Futures Food Systems Event

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September 29, 2024

07:30 AM - 03:30 PM

Event by WUR Student Challenges, WUR Water and Food Security Biodiversity Initiative, NFP

To create a world without hunger, in which everyone has access to sustainable, healthy, safe and affordable food we need to transform our food systems. On 30 September, two Wageningen University & Research initiatives, supported by NFP, will join forces to bring together bright and motivated minds from all over the world and to inspire you on how to develop creative pathways and solutions to address these challenges

Morning programme - Imagine Food Systems 2100

What will our food systems look like in 2100? This has been investigated intensively in a project called “Imagine Food Systems 2100”, belonging to the WUR Knowledge Base programme Food and Water Security (KB35, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality).

The Top 3 teams of researchers in the call for action will present their visions for the future of our food systems. Four runner ups will pitch their ideas in two minutes each.

The student teams participating in the Food Systems Innovation Challenge will pitch their projects in one minute and the audience can vote for the most creative and promising idea.

Afternoon programme - Food Systems Innovation Challenge

In the Food System Innovation Challenge, 18 teams from 9 different universities in Brazil, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Suriname and Uganda have been selected to implement their innovative solutions in the food systems through their project. What are their ideas? Who will become the overall winner? Which teams will sweep up a part of the total amount of 14.000,- euros in Prize Money? And how do ideas developed in the Challenge contribute to creating better future for our planet?

Join the afternoon programme to find answers to those questions and weigh in on the food systems of the future!

The challenge is organised by the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and WUR Student Challenges in close collaboration with the participating universities. In the morning the teams will have closed pitch sessions with a jury.

Programme outline

09:30 – 12:30Imagine Food Systems 2100 presentations & pitches
12:30 – 14:00Networking market, including posters and information market
14:00 – 16:00Food Systems Innovation Challenge 2024 presentations and pitches
16:00 – 17:00Networking Drinks

Contact person

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Bente Meindertsma

Coalition Builder Netherlands Food Partnership

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