
CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program – Unlocking New Collaboration & Opportunities

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Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

March 3, 2025

09:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Europe/Amsterdam)

Online & On location

Event by Netherlands Food Partnership & CGIAR

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Netherlands Food Partnership is pleased to invite you for an informal information session and network meeting on the new CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program. This meeting seeks to bring together knowledge, public and private sector partners to learn about the CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program and how it aims to turn research into real-world impact. It also offers a chance to explore how the Netherlands can engage in CGIAR’s new 2025-2030 portfolio of innovation and scaling Programs, connect with other stakeholders, and contribute to the discussion on future collaboration.

The Scaling for Impact Program

In January 2025, CGIAR launched the next business cycle of its pooled research portfolio 2025 - 2030 to achieve its ambitious CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy. The portfolio consists of 8 Science Programs, 3 Accelerators, and 1 Scaling for Impact Program. These Programs and Accelerators absorb and build upon the 34 Research and Regional Integrated Initiatives that formed part of the 2022-24 CGIAR business cycle.

An exciting new investment under the portfolio is the CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program. The Program underpins CGIAR’s strong commitment to ensure its research and innovation with partners contributes to tangible impact on the ground. It is the first time that CGIAR has a dedicated scaling program with a 2025 budget of ~USD36M. The Program aims to support scaling for impact across the CGIAR and partner landscape, and includes novel elements including the development of a global demand intelligence database, an enabling environment lab, regional Scaling Hubs and Scaling Support Teams, and South-South capacity sharing for scaling. Approaches such as Scaling Readiness and Innovation Portfolio Management that have been developed in collaboration with Wageningen University have made an important contribution to how the Program will operate and collaborate with internal and external partners.

Marc Schut will represent the CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program in the room and he will be joined by several colleagues online. Marc is a senior portfolio management advisor and scientist with CGIAR and Senior Scientist at Wageningen University, based in Kenya. In this role he co-leads the redesign and development of CGIAR’s innovation scaling infrastructure, including the new CGIAR innovation portfolio management approach.

Meeting agenda

  • Welcome & introductions

  • NL-CGIAR Strategic Partnership updates

  • Marc Schut on CGIAR’s Scaling for Impact Program & Collaboration Opportunities

  • Q&A

  • Network exchange & finding strategic alignment

  • Closing & next steps

The meeting will be moderated by Mariëlle Karssenberg, Netherlands Food Partnership

Eager to join the event?

This event is by invitation only. However, if you’re interested in participating and haven’t received an invitation, you can request one by contacting Mariëlle Karssenberg at the Netherlands Food Partnership via email at

Contact person

IMG 20220523 161637 1 1

Mariëlle Karssenberg

Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership

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