
Food Systems Meet Up Ethiopia

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September 5, 2024

02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Event by NFP & YEP

Networking event for food systems e-course participants and YEPers in Ethiopia.

Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and Young Expert Programmes (YEP) organized a late afternoon meet up for the 2024 food systems e-course participants and YEPers in Ethiopia.

This networking event will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and will serve as an opportunity to link up and exchange experiences.

Pitches about food system transformation are the core part of the event. So, if you are a YEPer or you have participated and completed the 2024 food systems e-course, you will get a formal invitation by email with a registration link to confirm your attendance.

Contact person

NFP Profile

Gizaw Legesse

Content Creator, AnkuarData

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