
Meaningful participation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities

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June 26, 2024

12:00 PM - 02:45 PM

Event by Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development

Access to food and land is a great challenge for people with disabilities worldwide. Social exclusion and inaccessible environments make people with disabilities vulnerable to hunger, malnutrition and the impact of disasters. To achieve SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger, we must address the barriers people with disabilities are facing. This can only be achieved if organisations of persons with disabilities are involved in decision-making processes. Therefore, as part of the We are Able! programme, DCDD is delighted to invite you to our upcoming live in-person meeting on Meaningful participation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities: insights from the We are Able! programme on Lobby & Advocacy for Food Security.

This session gives you a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge and understanding on meaningful participation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in programmes and aims to motivate participants to look at this from a global perspective as well as from a consortium programme level and how this then works out at a local level. Representatives from Organisations of Persons with Disabilities and local authorities from DRC and Burundi will be present in person and explain how they are working together in promoting disability inclusive food security.

We have developed a diverse programme with loads of opportunities for learning, sharing and networking and we are very excited to be sharing this with you! Are you joining us?!

For further information

Contact person

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Mark Fonseca Rendeiro

Communications Officer - NFP

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