Network Briefing of the UNFCCC COP 28
November 19, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Event by Netherlands Food Partnership
At the end of this month, the UN Climate Change Conference will bring the world together at a critical moment for global transformative climate action. The Conference of the Parties to the Convention (UNFCCC COP) convenes member countries every year to determine ambition and responsibilities and identify and assess climate measures. We are pleased to invite you to the COP 28 Network Briefing where we will look ahead to the COP and discuss the relationships between the climate agenda and agriculture and food systems (and related, cross-cutting themes).
This time again, the interrelations between Food Systems and Climate Change will feature high on the agenda. The host country United Arab Emirates is currently gathering support for an “Emirates Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture, and Climate Action”. It is expected that COP28 provides an important opportunity for UN member state delegations and non-state actors to come together, share knowledge and make decisions on how agriculture and food systems can play a vital role in the fight against climate change.
In order to inform the Dutch network and provide linkages and opportunities for alignment, Netherlands Food Partnership will facilitate an online network briefing session. We kindly invite you to save this date in your calendar:
Briefing session of the UNFCCC COP 28,
20 November 11:30- 13:00h
Online (zoom)
The focus of this session will be on the relationships between the climate agenda and agriculture and food systems as well as related cross-cutting themes at COP 28. Adam Gerstenmier (Executive Director of the Food Action Alliance) will provide the latest updates on the international process. The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will share the expectations of the Netherlands delegation. In addition, Topsector TU, De Jonge Klimaatbeweging, SNV, and WUR will provide insight on their engagement and expectations. Together we will reflect on the question of what concrete agreements and actions are needed to maximise impact and drive positive change towards COP 30. All throughout the session, there will be plenty of opportunities for questions and dialogue.
Further reading and engagement:
An introductory summary of the food systems and agriculture agenda at the COP28, can be found on our ‘NFP Connects’ Community page. We will share updates and insights on that page, and we cordially invite you to post your comment; find the Community here.
Interested in reading the expectations and propositions of the Dutch government for the COP28, including on food systems, agriculture, forests and nature? Please find the letter to Parliament here.
Register here for the online meeting!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us:
Contact persons
Nicole Metz
Senior Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership
Ruth van de Velde
Knowledge Broker
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