
BRIDGE Project Brief: Kickstarting the Ethiopian forage seed market

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Building Rural Income through Inclusive Dairy Business Growth (BRIDGE) is a five-year (Sep 2018- June 2023) project financed by the EKN and implemented by SNV and Wageningen University & Research. The main objectives of the programme are to improve the income of dairy farming on the household level and to contribute to sector transformation.

The adoption of forage production and utilization practices is low in Ethiopia, resulting in low livestock productivity and high production costs. Previous initiatives focused on the free distribution of forage seed, but this has often resulted in poor market linkages between forage seed suppliers and farmers. 

The BRIDGE project used smart subsidies to shift towards a market-oriented forage seed supply approach, which succeeded in offering farmers reliable access to quality forage seed and planting materials against fair prices and on-time supply. 

During the 2020 season, 2,815 farmers accessed improved seeds, while in the subsequent season, 36 Agro-input dealers supplied forage to almost 11,000 farmers, with further expansion planned for the 2022 season, thus establishing a sustainable forage seed market in Ethiopia.


Alex Mounde Arisi

Alex Mounde

Communication officer NEADAP

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Amhara 2

Working Paper: Quick Scan of Ethiopias Forage Sub-Sector by NEADAP

This Working Paper describes the Ethiopia forage sub-sector and looks at available forage species, quality, seasonality, preservation, seeds, planting material and fertilizer use, mechanization, inputs and services, the forage market, education and training, environmental footprint, and policy framework. The report gives recommendations to enhance availability of quality forages, especially for the Ethiopian dairy sector. The report is part of Theme 2: Forages and nutrition of the Netherlands East African Dairy Partnership project (NEADAP), an initiative by the Netherlands government for learning and sharing amongst different dairy sectors and projects in East Africa.

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