
Network Event Report: CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program

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Last week, NFP brought together a dynamic network in The Hague (and online) to have a dialogue to better understand opportunities for partnerships with the new CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program. Marc Schut (Senior Innovation Portfolio Management Advisor at CGIAR and Senior Scientist at Wageningen University) presented exciting insights about the new Program on behalf of the CGIAR Scaling for Impact Program team.

With a hybrid format, the event brought together food systems professionals from diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and locations—both within and beyond the Netherlands. The participants were active for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Holland Greentech, GAIN, Woord en Daad, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen University, SNV and several other organizations. This diversity enriched the dialogue and fostered a broad exchange of insights and experiences with scaling strategies and opportunities for further collaboration.

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Photo by Rhys Bucknall-Williams, CGIAR

Key Takeaways from the Discussion

The dialogue centered on CGIAR’s approach to mainstreaming scaling in its 2025-2030 research portfolio. Key insights from the audience included:

🔹 South-to-South dialogue is crucial for scaling – Understanding and embracing cultural contexts within project environments is essential for innovation, adoption and successful scaling.

🔹 Rethinking problem-solving approaches – It is important not to assume that the problems being addressed are fully understood or that solutions follow a fixed path. Shifting from structured to unstructured problem-solving and focusing on emerging solutions can lead to more impactful outcomes.

🔹 Sustaining impact beyond the project environment – For scaling to be successful, the functions fulfilled by a project must be taken over by the community. Additionally, resilience to external shocks and shifts in the project landscape are critical.

🔹 The time factor in scaling – Scaling innovations often takes 10-15 years. This raises key questions: How can funders remain committed over extended periods? When does the commercial viability of an innovation take shape? Addressing these factors is essential to sustaining long-term impact.

Scaling for Impact: Looking Ahead & Finding Connections

From the dialogue, several opportunities came up for further engagement between the CGIAR Program and the professionals in the room. While those will be followed up bilaterally, there is also another great way to connect with CGIAR on Scaling for everyone. One of the latest developments within the Scaling for Impact Program is the establishment of the Scaling Hub in Nairobi, located on the ILRI Campus. If you find yourself in Nairobi or are interested to connect in other ways; feel free to reach out to NFP and you’re welcome to connect over coffee with Marc Schut or his colleagues to explore more about how you can collaborate and contribute to scaling for impact in practice.

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Photo by Mariëlle Karssenberg, NFP


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Marjan Riepma

Knowledge Broker, NFP

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Mariëlle Karssenberg

Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership

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