These Papers describe the current situation of Kenyas forage sub-sector and give recommendations for sustainable intensification of forage production. As regards the current situation, it reports on available forage species and their quality, seasonality, preservation, forage seeds and planting material, fertilizer use, mechanisation, inputs and services, the forage market, education and training, innovations, sustainable forage production, and policies and regulations affecting the forage sub-sector. The paper further gives directions and recommendations to intensify forage production and enhance the availability of quality forages, to drive an environmentally sustainable dairy sector towards increased productivity and enhanced competitiveness. This is an output of Theme 2: Forages and Nutrition of Dairy Cows of the Netherlands East African Dairy Partnership project (NEADAP). NEADAP is an initiative led by the Netherlands Government aimed at learning and sharing amongst different dairy sectors and projects in East Africa.

Jos Creemers
Managing Consultant, ProDairy E.A. Ltd

Adolfo Alvarez Aranguiz
Wageningen UR, Livestock Research
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