The Food Loss Cinema at NFP World Food Day

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The Food Loss Cinema was an engaging and interactive set of videos that were showcased at the NFP World Food Day in Amersfoort. The cinema was organsied by FORQLAB, which stands for the Food Waste Reduction and Food Quality Living Lab. This is a consortium by four Dutch universities, Van Hall Larenstein, HAS Green Academy, Inholland, and Aeres and Egerton University and Meru University from Kenya. Moreover, a range of cooperatives, trader companies, business support organizations, and county authorities in the dairy and avocado sectors were involved.

The Food Loss Cinema ran all day from 10:30 AM to 4:45 PM, featuring a series of videos highlighting the research findings from the researchers and students involved in the project in Kenya. The interactive film consisted of short clips that showcased food losses across the avocado and dairy value chains, covering all aspect until the processor and export/import level of the value chain. At the end of each video, text questions appeared in the screen to test viewers' knowledge of what they had learned, heard, or observed. The goal was that participants left the cinema with a clear understanding of the food losses occurring in these value chains. Additionally, the cinema included videos from the network of the Netherlands Food Partnership, showcasing other collaborations that address the reduction of food losses in these sectors.

The cinema attracted a total of 203 viewers, with 190 of them actively participating in the interactive questions and answers session at the end of each film. The viewer with the highest score got 27 points out of a possible 80 points across all films. In the avocado value chain section, the most popular videos covered topics such as managing financial constraints, selecting high-quality avocado seedlings, ensuring proper import quality checks, and understanding the role of financial partners in the value chain. For the dairy value chain section, the most-watched videos focused on addressing cow feed scarcity, minimising milk losses caused by herdsmen, and improving cooperative governance. 

Most viewers were curious about various aspects of the living lab, particularly the methodology used in the data collection process, how the living lab was managed given the involvement of multiple stakeholders and the project’s duration and future directions. They also inquired about the role of different actors in the research, the experience of collaboration between the participating research institutions, and the role of the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) in the project. These questions were addressed by the knowledgeable facilitators of the Food Loss Cinema, who included researchers who had participated in the research and contributed to the findings.

FORQLAB follows a "living lab" approach, where masters students and teachers engage in applied research alongside business partners. Together, they aim to find and test practical solutions to technical challenges and improve coordination within the avocado and dairy value chains.

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The cinema attracted professionals from various sectors, many of whom were inspired by the project’s findings. Some were eager to explore the research further, while others found it particularly relevant to their ongoing work. It was remarkable to witness individuals from diverse fields watching the film together and participating in the interactive Q&A sessions as a group. The video films successfully sparked their curiosity. Many viewers expressed interest in accessing the films online for future reference. To enhance the cinema's performance and effectiveness, it was suggested that future versions include translations into different languages to accommodate audiences who do not speak English.

Looking back, the interactive film was highly effective in telling the story of food loss in Kenya’s dairy and avocado value chains. It demonstrated how different actors—including academia, civil society, government, and the private sector—can collaborate to address food loss and contribute to long-term food security. The cinema served as an intriguing starting point, with the potential to inspire action among diverse audiences and drive systemic change.

Special thanks to the various stakeholders involved in the creation and facilitation of the video; their contributions have been vital to its success.

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Patricia 1726775806758

Patricia Korir

food loss cinema host

Thumbnail Mehrab

Mehrab Marri

Lecturer Van Hall Larenstein | Film maker

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  • Anonymous

    Hi patricia thanks for this story. I noted you wrote more about NFP World Food Day on Linkedin. Cheers!

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